Friday, March 30, 2007

Welcome to the Daily Review

This is a bit of an experiment, and those of you who have read some of my other blogs already know that I'm not that frequent of a writer, though I want to be better about that. Thus begins the daily review. The idea is that it will consist of my rants and raves about one thing that happened during my day each day. Perhaps it's a review of a play, or a book I'm reading. Maybe a review of the morning's metro ride, or my latte. One never knows. Certainly I don't. But I'm hopeful that this might launch me into a glamorous job as a real reviewer of real things instead of my dead-end non-profit gig.

I hope to keep the entries short and sweet, despite my lyrical desire to drag things out. So without adieu, enjoy...let me know what you think.


Leslie said...

yay! we can be blog buddies! I will add you to my blogroll!

Eleanor Rigby said...

I'll add you, too! Tee hee.

cb said...

Greetings Eleanor. Thanks for linking to us at Cookthink. If you're looking for something to review, I just read and really enjoyed Peter Smith's book "Two of Us." Judging by your name, I think you might like it, too. Cheers.

michelle said...

very cool.. can wait to see what you dish.. welcome to blogosphere!
p.s eleanor rigby is my fave beatles song !