Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Shopping Bag Ban ****

This week, in my environmental post, I'm quite certain that I'm going to make a couple of people mad. Maybe not. Maybe I judge. We'll see...

I fully support San Francisco's ban on shopping bags. Furthermore, I support IKEA's decision to charge customer's five cents for each plastic bag they use.

There, I said it.

As a gen-x-er, I grew up with the plastic bag. My adolescence took place during the 1980's "me" generation and Reaganomics. CONSUME. BUY. SPEND. The world revolves around ME. Put your career before your family. Rape the earth...okay, that's another blog...don't get me started on the baby boomers, we'll all regret it. I digress. What I'm trying to say is that for as long as I remember the plastic bag (sometimes paper) at the check-out counter has always been a given. A free takeaway for your purchase. To make your life easier. As if your life is really that hard to begin with. I mean, those 50 steps out to your car can be pretty tough, for sure. And while I know they implemented this whole "bring your own bag" idea in Europe eons ago, it's sadly a new and fresh idea for me and most Americans.

Unfortunately, many Americans don't like it. I say, stop being so lazy and selfish. Bring your own bag, man!!

It takes over 400,000 gallons of oil to manufacture 100 million bags. That's right. Oil. Plastic bags are petroleum based products. Ponder that the next time you complain about gas prices. But I hear the counter argument already, "You can recycle the plastic bag". Yes, true to a point, although the energy and CO2 emissions needed for the creation and recreation of this crap is yet another reason to just say no.

Here's what I say, and forgive me if it sounds sexist. Women in particular need to embrace this thing and run with it. Now is the time to buy dozens of cute canvas bags for your shopping and explain to your husband/boyfriend/parent/significant other that it's just your way of saving the world. One bag at a time.

Four out of four stars for this idea. Try embracing it. It could make a huge difference.


Leslie said...

I give this 5 stars. I am a huge proponent of bringing your own bag to the grocery store. We have about 5 canvas bags, and 1 in each car (for those emergency stops at the store). And when I was last at IKEA I bought the blue bag. It's such a simple task, I don't see why people can't do it. Just laziness. Every grocery store sells those canvas bags, all you have to do is throw it in your cart. Voila.
Great post

glenda said...

Two thumbs up! You said it all!

michelle said...

I had no idea this was going on, but after reading your blog and your links, I must say that I concur. I will have to go and buy a tote, since Target doesn't have paper bags..

Beets and Bonbons said...

I'm inspired! I'll use my tote bag to carry home tonight's veggies for dinner. Thanks Daily Review!